Stories About Family, Friends, and Other Humorous Incidents

Josy and José valued nothing more than their family and friends. Walk into their home and you were considered to be a friend, come back often and you became family. At Marty’s Bar Mitzvah, several different people introduced themselves to each other as “the Rabinowitz’s best friends.” Josy and José wrote down these memories about their families and friends, as well as some experiences that they found to be humorous. Like their published memoirs, these drafts are unfinished stories from their lives. Note the following statement that was published in each volume:

"This is a work of fiction. It is fiction because we do not have affidavits or legal documents to support many of the statements we make or our genealogical charts. It is a work of fiction because a great deal of the material is based upon our memories of incidents that occurred many, many years ago. It is a work of fiction because several of the accounts were passed on to us by people who themselves only heard (or claimed to have heard) them from other people, and these other people were not actually present but, again, claimed to have heard the accounts from relatives or good friends."