Drafts of Additional Volumes
José and Josy gathered stories from the early years together. They enjoyed the art of storytelling, creating multiple versions of these tales and weaving them together in various ways. A folder entitled “Volumes 3 and 4” was found on Josy’s computer. Some stories were incomplete, some were early versions (she kept them all).
Some referenced people who might recall incidents in a different manner. In an effort to share this material, we have made editorial decisions about the works. We attempted to keep them intact and therefore abbreviated names to prevent misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Again we wish to clarify:
This is a work of fiction. It is fiction because we do not have affidavits or legal documents to support many of the statements we make or our genealogical charts. It is a work of fiction because a great deal of the material is based upon our memories of incidents that occurred many, many years ago. It is a work of fiction because several of the accounts were passed on to us by people who themselves only heard (or claimed to have heard) them from other people, and these other people were not actually present but, again, claimed to have heard the accounts from relatives or good friends.