In Our Words:
Josy's Post-Retirement Work
Josy relished projects that required extensive research, time, and communication with people across the globe. She made contact with many distant relatives she hadn’t previously known, and often connected them to each other. Family members frequently reached out to her for additional information about their ancestry.
After completing her doctoral degree, Josy worked diligently to write and publish The Memoirs of the Rabinowitz Family Volumes 1 and 2. With José, she collaborated on retelling anecdotes from their life together in preparation for future volumes.
Through extremely diligent work, research, and a myriad of telephone calls, letters, and emails, Josy compiled a directory of family members with almost 200 contacts in six countries. She used this information to build upon work her father had started decades earlier on the Margolius family history and to create Family Trees for all four of José and her forebears going back to the late 1700’s.
These family trees have become a definitive resource for understanding the family's roots and connections. She willingly volunteered to support many other people who sought to create their family trees, often accompanying folks to resource locations including the Mormon Genealogy Archives.