Josy won many prizes for her writing, which included essays that were read at her ninth grade graduation from Cooke Junior High School and her twelfth grade graduation from Simon Gratz High School. She also wrote journalistic pieces, such as one about the contents of a classmate’s pocketbook. Her high school honors paper on The Spirit of Music studies and compares the music of Germany and Russia. Josy’s thesis, written to complete her PhD in Linguistics in 1993, was entitled, A Descriptive Study of the Offer As A Speech Behavior in American English.
José authored many research papers and textbooks (see his CV and Publications list). In addition, his Compendium of Owl Lore served to complete his credit requirements for a Master’s Degree at the University of Pennsylvania.
During the times when José and Josy lived abroad, they wrote letters to share their experiences with friends and family. You might enjoy reading about their adventures.